There is a lot of green and red around RPMS today. Check out some of the ugly sweaters. Again, our students are so creative. Disclaimer: some of the “ugly” looks so great.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
We had Santa hats with elf ears, hats with sports teams, hats that made a student have to duck to get through the door way. It was a great spirit day at RPMS! Tomorrow is the day to break out the ugly sweaters.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
The comfort level was high today with all of the pajamas. Here are a few photos. Tomorrow is Santa or holiday hat day.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Ski Club will look a little different this year, but we wanted to still find a way to provide a safe opportunity. Check out this information and let us know if you have questions.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Please join us this weekend for a light show. All donations will support the Muskegon Rescue Mission
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Congrats to our Rocket Slip winners (missing one from the photo). We all know that there are some extra challenges right now, but so many of our students are consistently showing The Rocket Way with respect, pride, and integrity. Way to go!
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Today, at the end of math class, some of our students were rewarded with the opportunity to “tie dye” a mask using sharpies and rubbing alcohol. Their creations were amazing! This year has brought all kinds of challenges and most don’t love wearing a mask, but we always get to choose our attitude. We are constantly amazed by the resilience of our students.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Free flu shots through Dec. 12 at Meijer!
about 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
While learning remotely, our students taking Art got a chance to research many famous artists and recreate one of their masterpieces with a modern or different twist on it. The creativity and divergence in thinking was awesome. Here are a few pieces of their work (done from home).
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Join us in Spirit Week NEXT WEEK. Virtual and F2F, we would love for you to join! Our student leaders have some great activities planned.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
spirit days
It is so great to have students back in the building. Some of our students moved around the commons to explore equations. Conversations about math or like music to the ears.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Good morning Parents and Guardians, There was no “playbook” for how to “do school” in a pandemic. As such, we’ve researched, learned, implemented, adjusted, succeeded in some cases, and temporarily failed in other cases. One thing we haven’t done is stopped trying to do our best for our kids. One thing we’ve heard consistently from parents about our “virtual or remote” environment is “We want R-P teachers teaching our kids.” Well, while it won’t be easy, we have figured out how to make that happen, while still honoring every request for either F2F (face-to-face) or virtual. If you want to learn the specifics, at the end of this message is a 14 minute YouTube video where I explain what will likely be happening for the 2nd semester. The video was created for us to use as a springboard for preparing for 2nd semester. It is relevant to each of you and your students as you prepare for the 2nd semester, beginning on January 25, 2021. If you don’t want to watch the video, here is the “gist”: Whether you choose F2F or Virtual, it will be with a Reeths-Puffer teacher. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, and they are spelled out in the video. IF you fell in love with Edmentum first semester and would be devastated to not have it, we have a limited number of licenses for 2nd semester. You would just need to let your child’s building Principal know that. Because this is NEW information (R-P teachers teaching virtual), it is only fair to re-survey people to get their choice based upon this new information. Expect a survey to come out from your student’s building Principal this week. I’m asking that you consider your choice and we need 100% of parents to complete the survey. At the deadline of the most recent survey, only 79% of people had made a choice. We can’t make great decisions for kids and staff without accurate information. The survey will literally be one question; F2F or virtual for the 2nd semester. FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS- Please watch the video NEXT STEPS- 100% completion of 2nd semester survey Here is a link to the video: Stay well, Rockets! Sincerely, Steve
about 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Join us for live announcements tomorrow at 8:00. We will be drawing names to recognize respect, pride, and integrity in our students.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Good Afternoon Parents, The second semester, beginning on January 25th, is approaching quickly. At this point, we are asking asking families to make a decision about your final learning choice (F2F or Virtual) for the 2nd semester. With this information, behind the scenes, we will work to adjust staffing, space, technology, and learning tools to create the safest and most supportive learning environment for your student. If you are returning from virtual to face to face, someone from the school will reach out to schedule electives based on availability, doing our best to meet everyone's needs. We continue to be appreciative of your partnership through the challenges are all facing. We are in this together, on the same team, to provide the best opportunity for your student. Please help us...we need everyone to complete this survey! Please click the link below for a survey to select your final learning choice (F2F or Virtual) for the 2nd semester. If you have more than one child in our building, please fill it out for every student. This needs to be completed by Monday, December 7. Have a Great Afternoon!
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
2nd semester
We recognized our Rocket Slip winners on Wednesday last week and captured a few of the deliveries with photos. Help is give them a big Rocket Three (clap-clap-clap). Great job! Respect...Pride...Integrity...The Rocket Way.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
We are proud of our students for making the flip to remote learning. This graphic provides great reminders of what distance learning looks like now.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Rocket are the meal pick up times for the district. Select the time and location that works best for you. You do not have to pick up from the building your student attends. Choose any location. Please take advantage of this resource.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
A big ROCKET Three for our RoCKET Slip winners this week. The building may be closed, but the ROCKET WAY is on display more than ever. Respect...pride...integrity!
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Friday (tomorrow) and next Wednesday are half days. We will follow the half day schedule below.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
Meal pick up is today at the middle school from 11-1.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Anderson