The Magic Pumpkin Patch brought R-PEL some fun outside and some math inside
about 4 years ago, R-PTLE
Math with the Magic Pumpkins
Fun with the Magic Pumpkins
The Magic Pumpkin Seeds Worked! Our students will all have a pumpkin to bring home.
about 4 years ago, R-PTLE
magic pumpkin patch
Wider view of the Magic Pumpkin Patch
Wider, wider view of the Magic Pumpkin Patch
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Two Important Reminders For Tomorrow 1. It is a half day of school, elementary student's dismiss at 12:00. 2. Hat Day to support the Muskegon Humane Society, $1.00.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Elementary Half Day Calendar - dismissal time for elementary students is 12:00 on half days.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
We are asking ALL Reeths-Puffer families to complete our lunch application at It may not seem relevant, but significant district funding is tied to this. Please help by completing your application now! **Thank you**
over 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Good Evening RPEL Families, Our food service department has just announced a second free food pickup for anyone 18 years and under TOMORROW (Thursday 9/10) at the High School from 2pm-3pm. Please use the Giles Rd. entrance. We hope you can take advantage of this opportunity. Have a great day! Go Rockets!
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
RPEL Drop of and Pick up Video - TWO IMPORTANT UPDATES 1. ****If you have multiple children, you only need to drop and pick up in one location. You will drop/pick up all of your children where your youngest child is dropped off and picked up.**** 2. ****Bus riders will exit their busses and proceed into the building and to their classrooms. We will have adults outside helping with this process.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Demographic Update AND Chromebook distribution Reminder: Please click the link below to complete the demographic updates in the parent portal. If you are in need of a Chromebook for Rocket Virtual, completing the demographic update will alert our technology department to contact you via email. A Chromebook will be assigned to you immediately. If you do not have a personal computer for school use, completing the demographic update will alert the technology depart to contact you via email. A Chromebook will be assigned to you as they get delivered. Until all Chromebooks have been delivered to our district, all are encouraged to use personal computer devices at school and home for technology related school work.
over 4 years ago, R-PTLE
A confirmation email was sent by Mr. Siembida if you registered for Rocket Virtual. If you registered for Rocket Virtual, please click the link below for information regarding an orientation meeting scheduled for September 3rd, at 5 pm.
over 4 years ago, R-PTLE
Back to School Updates Class placement letters and detailed back to school information will be mailed out tomorrow, 8/28. You will also be contacted by your child's teacher soon to set up your virtual Open House. The first week of school will be a "soft" start. Tuesday and Thursday will be for students with last names A-K. Wednesday and Friday will be for students with last names of L-Z. The school day starts at 9:00 and ends at 2:30.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Survey Due Tomorrow 8/26/20 ---- You do not need to take it twice. Families - This is only if you have not taken the survey that was sent out on 8/20/2020. The is for F2F (Face to Face) or RV (Rocket Virtual) If you do not complete the survey you will be enrolled in F2F Learning.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Face to Face or Rocket Virtual Survey Please use the following link to take your survey. The survey closes on 8/26. If you do not complete a survey the default will be Face to Face Learning.
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Survey for DK-4th grade Face to Face or Rocket Virtual  - You must select one option for each child. We need every family to complete this survey! 
over 4 years ago, Paul Klimsza
Families, please respond to this survey to help us understand your transportation and child care needs.
over 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
over 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Struggling with housing? Facing eviction? Community Encompass may be able to help! You can find more information on the state Eviction Diversion Program here:,4641,7-141-5555-533463--,00.html
over 4 years ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools