Girls on the Run registration closes on December 13th! Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Kolbe and Mrs. Olsen are coaching, so it's going to be a blast! Sign up today!
Girls on the Run registration closes on December 13th! Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Kolbe and Mrs. Olsen are coaching, so it's going to be a blast! Sign up today! r/index/2020MuskegonGOTR
Rocket Three to our PTO!! Times have been hard on school districts. Money is tight. Teachers are spending more and more of their own money to accommodate needs in the classroom. PTO helps to lift this burden off teachers' shoulders by pitching in much-appreciated funds. This improves the quality of education for all the children in the classroom AND improves the teachers' morale. Thank, Twin Lake PTO, for all you do for kids and staff!
Wrestling Club Flyer
Check out the message from Mrs. Kolbe and her second grade learners:
Follow the link for the latest edition of Rocket City News (
Dear Families~ K-12 will have a half day of school on Friday, due to teacher professional development. Elementary dismissal will be noon.
Hey Families~ If you have a child that is interested in competitive cheer, please follow the link below.
Dune Clean up with DK
Thanks you Moms and Grandmas for helping with First Friday Read Alouds.
Happy Halloween! Be safe tonight!
Phones are up and running!
Families~ phones are down at RPTLE. We’ll let you know when they’re up and running. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Girls on the Run Fundraiser Information
Girls on the Run Registration Information
Final Touches to Hoop House
First grade learning
Rocket Star Lunchers!
Reminder families~ we have a half day of school tomorrow with dismissal at noon.
Building Boxes for Hoop House Growing