Schedule of bus stops for school year 2019-2020
The following is a list of our bus stops to start the school year. Please make sure your student is at the bus stop 5 minutes earlier than the posted time. Some adjustments will be made after the start of the school year; stops added, removed, time changes.
Take home times will vary the first week of school. It is not uncommon for us to leave the schools a half hour after dismissal times. Extra time is needed to make sure students find their correct buses. Please encourage your child - if they get on the wrong bus - to stay on the bus and alert the bus driver. We will then make every effort to get your child to their correct stop.
Please read the transportation policies on the District website or your student’s handbook (responsibility of parents, bus safety rules and bus conduct rules). Failure to follow these rules may result in a suspension from the bus or school discipline.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Transportation Office Contact Information:
email: or
Phone: 231-719-0110
Thank you for your patience as we get the new school year started.
TWIN LAKE ELEMENTARY – bus stop pick up times
BUS 7108
7:45 2450 E. Bard
7:46 3981 Beattie
7:47 4383 Beattie
7:49 4039 Holton
7:51 3329 E. Bard
7:53 3155 Sweeter
7:53 3105 Sweeter
7:58 3479 Ryerson
7:59 3848 Ryerson
8:01 6064 O'Neil
8:02 6149 Dalson
8:03 6204 Dalson
8:05 3933 Crocker
8:10 6407 Dalson
8:11 3301 Brock
8:12 Brock & Cat
8:13 6411 Cat
8:14 6260 Cat
8:14 Cat & Duff
8:16 Blue Lake & Anne
BUS 7408
7:37 3424 Beattie
7:38 2801 E. Bard
7:39 3701 Holton – Dalton Baptist Church
7:47 1571 E. McMillan
7:49 1060 E. McMillan
7:51 3345 Putnam
7:53 3782 Putnam
7:54 1307 E. Bard
7:55 3781 Pillon
7:56 3608 Pillon
7:57 3392 Pillon
7:58 3320 Pillon
8:00 3326 E. McMillan
8:01 Dalson & Tyler
8:05 3237 Erskine
8:06 3051 Erskine
8:08 3008 E. Michillinda
8:09 3104 E Michillinda
8:10 3355 E. Michillinda
8:12 3340 Sarah Circle
8:15 3415 E. Michillinda
8:16 5384 Austin
8:18 5468 Dalson
BUS 7616
7:36 2495 Holton
7:41 500 E. Bard
7:42 Bard & Strand
7:43 655 E. Bard
7:44 880 E. Bard
7:45 Putnam & Erickson
7:50 5712 Putnam
7:54 4957 Putnam
7:56 Riley Thompson & Anderson
7:57 1579 E. Riley Thompson
8:03 4305 Pillon
8:05 4956 Cady
8:08 Cady & Michillinda
8:11 5849 Fowler
8:13 6061 Interlochen
8:14 2599 Middle Lake
8:15 3031 4th
8:18 3180 2ND
8:18 3120 2nd
BUS 7617
7:39 3980 Holton
7:44 5100 Staple
7:49 1870 E. Michillinda
7:50 5588 Staple
7:51 5900 Staple
7:52 6100 Staple
7:53 6276 Staple
7:54 6510 Staple
7:55 6598 Staple
7:56 6704 Douglas
7:58 2114 Camp Ridge
7:59 1916 Camp Ridge
8:02 West Lake & Meadowmohr
8:04 6230 Middle Lake
8:05 6529 Middle Lake
8:10 6753 Blue Lake
8:11 2888 Duff
8:13 2812 Lakeshore
8:30 4265 Holton