Good Afternoon RPI Families,

WOW, what a homecoming night on Friday!  Whether you were there or not, hopefully you have heard that our football team had a VERY convincing win over Greenville.  But the game was only part of a very special night. Our 5th and 6th grade choir members performed the National Anthem in front of a full stadium, the Varsity Cross Country teams raced around the track during the football game, our marching band continued to impress as they entertained us with part of their 2019 performance and we honored last year’s All-State Athletes.  It was truly a great community event that should make us all proud to be Rockets! As I was there with my son, this was my thought: Most, if not all, of the student-musician / student-athletes are former RPI students who started their road to success in our building! Often times, we look at success as a destination or a place we are trying to get. Rarely do we look back and reflect on what it was to get us there. My challenge to you this week is two fold.  Have a conversation with your son/daughter about how establishing positive work ethic and positive choices now will have a lasting impact on their lives and ultimately their success in middle school, high school and beyond! Secondly, how can we, as parents, encourage our kids to get involved in the school community? Research shows that students who are involved in something (athletics, music programs, clubs, groups, etc) centered in the school are much more likely to be happier, healthier and more successful in life!  

Here are some announcements for this week: 

  • Lockdown Drill: We will be conducting our first lockdown drill this Thursday morning.  Please discuss with your student why these are so important for their safety and that of the rest of their classmates.

  • Parent Connect: Get INVOLVED! We have our next parent connect (PTO) meeting this Thursday (Oct 10) at 3:15 pm in the student services office!

  • Half Day Friday! This Friday, October 11, is a half day.  School dismisses at 10:55 am. Our next one will be in 2 weeks on October 25. 

  • R-P Ink: Here is a link to our newsletter.  Check out the important dates on the left!

Have a great week! 

Mr. Panozzo
