We have a list of suggested 5th grade supplies:
Important things to have for all classes:
Pencils- 3 dozen now, another 3 dozen after Christmas
Pencil sharpener- the kind that hold the shavings
Pencil bag or box
Pencil top erasers
Kleenex- large box to share with class
Hand sanitizer
No rolling tote bags
No Trapper Keeper style folders
Math supplies:
1-inch three ring binder
1 package loose leaf notebook paper
2 1-subject spiral notebooks
1 package grid paper
Language Arts supplies:
1-inch three ring binder
Lots of sticky notes
Social Studies supplies:
1-inch three ring binder
Dividers for your binder
2 packages lined notebook paper
Colored pencils
Ultra-fine tip black Sharpie
Science supplies:
1-inch three ring binder
2 packages lined notebook paper
1 package of tabbed binder dividers