Daily Announcements - March 6, 2025 - Student News ● Seniors, if you are interested in running for the position of "Class Speaker" at your graduation ceremony, stop in the counseling office to pick up an application from Mrs. Hobby. To be eligible, you must have at least a 3.0 GPA, no suspensions this year, and participate in at least one school-recognized extra-curricular activity. Applications are due in the counseling office by 3:00 PM on Friday, March 7. ● This year we are combining mock rock and the talent show! If you have a cool talent you want to showcase or want a chance to win the golden mock rock trophy with your incredible lip sync this is for you! The show will be on March 27th, we have sign ups in student services. If you would like to participate in Mock Rock, there is no need to audition, just sign up and please include your act. For the talent show acts, we will be holding auditions from 6-8 p.m. on March 18th. ● Sophomores, the Early College Program at MCC will be in the LC during flex March 13th to discuss getting a head start on your college careers. Sophomores must have a 2.75 or higher GPA to attend the meeting. Sign up to learn more information about this program and whether it's the best fit for your future career goals on the Class of 2027 Google Classroom and on QR Codes around school. ● Interested in attending Oliver College? Tuesday, March 11 during flex there will be an admissions rep visiting campus. All grades are welcome to explore their career options. Sign ups on College Advisor's Google Classroom, or QR Codes around the building. ● On Pride Day we will be attempting something never done before in the walls of Reeths-Puffer. We will be attempting to make a domino chain of over 3000 cereal boxes from the cafeteria through the 100 to 400 hallways and back down into the cafeteria. Rockets, we need your help to reach our goal of 3048 boxes of cereal to be donated for those in need. Please bring your donations to the boxes located in the main office. Be sure to do your part so we can make this dream a reality. ● First Priority Club meets today in Mr. Uganski's ROOM, #300, during both lunches. New Month and new topic: Why it was necessary for Jesus to die for us. ● Everyone is welcome. Everyone is loved. Everyone is safe. The yearbook class is looking for siblings interested in being included on a page in the yearbook! Plan a meeting today during flex in Room 416 to be a part of the yearbook page. Make sure to check in with your Flex teacher for attendance & head to room 416. If you cannot make the following dates you can contact Mr. Robidoux set up another time to meet. Again, Siblings in room 416 during Flex for the yearbook page! ● Seniors, a reminder that the following scholarships are due this month: Women's Division - March 11th/ Privacky Memorial Scholarship - March 28th These scholarships need to be turned into Mrs. Hobby in the Counseling Office. Today’s Lunch Special: Baked Chicken w/Mac & Cheese Sports News ● Girls Lacrosse - tryouts are March 10th-13th, 5-7pm @ Mona Shores stadium. Stop by the Athletic office for a flyer! ● JV and Varsity baseball tryouts will begin on March 10th at 5:00pm in the Arena and you must have a physical prior to trying out. ● Girls varsity tennis tryouts begin next Monday March 10th at 3pm (hopefully out on the courts). If you are not in final forms get signed up ASAP and get a physical if you haven’t yet. Any questions contact Coach Hankinson via text or email in Final forms.
3 days ago, Reeths-Puffer High School
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed on Thursday, Jan. 23 due to weather conditions.
about 2 months ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed Thursday, Jan. 23 due to weather conditions
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 22 due to weather conditions.
about 2 months ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 22 due to weather conditions
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 21 due to weather conditions.
about 2 months ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
School closed Tuesday, Jan. 21 due to weather conditions
Some of the members of our theater arts program had the opportunity to attend the Michigan Thespian Festival this weekend and had a great time! The students were able to experience up to 8 different workshops, watch two mainstage shows and a student showcase, and receive information about college fine arts programs. Charles Jones received superior ratings for his performance of "Diva's Lament" from the musical, Spamalot. Avery Luna received superior ratings for her contrasting monologues "Beauty and Perfection" and "Ice Queen" from Flowers in the Desert. All students represented the Reeths-Puffer community well. Reeths-Puffer began an International Thespian troupe in May of 2022 and is has allowed for great opportunities for our students to continue to grow their love of theater.
3 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Yesterday, our Madrigals had a magical learning opportunity. We’re honored to be the first high school ensemble to perform a stunning piece by composer Sam Schiebe, inspired by a poem by Emily Dickinson. Sam joined us via Zoom to listen and offer feedback—it was a truly inspiring, goosebump moment! He shared more about the intention of the piece. We’re so proud of our students and can’t wait to share this incredible music with you tonight. You will not want to miss Candlelight Carols at 7:00!
3 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
choir composer
choir composer
choir composer
choir composer
choir composer
choir composer
choir composer
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 12 due to weather conditions.
3 months ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 12 due to weather conditions.
Reeths-Puffer Schools will be closed Thursday, Dec. 5 due to weather conditions.
3 months ago, Reeths-Puffer Schools
Dec 5 School Closing
Parents...we need your help! Each year, we ask parents, students, and staff to complete a survey about the culture of our buildings. It is important for us to create the best possible environment for each student to succeed and your feedback is important. An e-mail went out as well. If you did not fill the survey out in the e-mail, please take a minute to complete it now. This survey is just for the high school. Each building has their own link. THANK YOU!
4 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Consider these great opportunities for support or a quiet place to build a study routine.
4 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
HW Workshop
It might be cold, but we're fired up this morning with Wood Tv8! The morning was full of Rocket Spirit, student highlight, can drive, PALS highlight, and student reporting. Go Rockets!
5 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
wood tv8
For adults and teens, time to reflect is a gift in a busy world. We are so thankful that Kofi B. joined us yesterday to learn, reflect, dream big, and inspire us to make it happen. Kofi, two-time Emmy nominated artist and inspirational speaker, gave us so much to think about. From the voice of his mother right to Rocket City: What I am looking for is in me. The past has no power over me. Negative thoughts have no power over me. Today is a wonderful day and a new beginning. Because I choose to make it so. Thank you to our student hosts, Charles and Olivia. Thank you Kofi!!
5 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Reminder: We have high school conferences this week. Parents, be sure to read your e-mails for directions on how to schedule. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xwTTgmiehULM_D8eO2dO2SrnGVmnYcaGSmwZYq2Et0w/edit?usp=sharing
5 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Welcome to Rocket City! We were so excited to welcome our new Rockets today at the New Student Breakfast. Thank you to student leaders for organizing!
5 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Some of our students started out the year representing RPHS Rotary Interact members in the United Way Day of Caring. They spent the day with fellow classmates serving their community in the Muskegon MicroForest.
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
United Way
ALMOST Anything Goes is going to be a blast. Join in the fun of this new (returning) tradition.
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Almost Anything
Powderpuff is always a great night of competition and entertainment. We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Optional opportunity during Flex next week. Sign up in counseling office in advance to request.
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Help us give a hand to the Reeths-Puffer students and alumni that are participating in the Penguin Project this weekend. The Muskegon Civic Theatre's Penguin Project production of Beauty and the Beast opens this weekend! The Penguin Project was founded in 2004 by Dr. Andy as a way to give students and young adults with special needs the opportunity to fully experience being a part of a theater production! Muskegon Civic Theatre was the very first chapter in the state of Michigan and we are so proud that this will be our seventh Penguin Production! Please feel free to share the photo and information regarding the show with your staff, school, and on your social media! We would love to see a full house this weekend! Performances are Saturday, September 7th at 7:00 PM and Sunday, September 8th at 3:00 PM. Both performances will take place in the Frauenthal Theater in downtown Muskegon. More information can be found at muskegoncivictheatre.org
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
We are looking forward to seeing everyone Friday night for The Rocket City Kickoff 2024. The celebration of community will start at 5:00 before the home football game at 7:00.
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Kick off