October 30, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians:
As you know, next week R-PHS will be closed and we will be moving to a completely remote learning model starting Monday, November 2. While we are disappointed that we must close our high school building, we have prepared well for remote learning. With our plan, students will continue to receive a robust learning experience. It will include learning forums where students will meet with their classmates and teachers as well as flex time that allows their teachers to meet individually with students or small student groups to support learning.
Our students will continue to receive homework and assessments so they make progress toward learning goals and earning credit towards graduation. We are proud of what our students have done so far this school year and we need to keep this momentum moving forward! With your support, our week of remote learning will be just as successful as their in-person learning has been.
Please understand high school students are expected to fully participate in remote learning directed by their teachers including answering emails and phone calls from teaching staff, completing homework, and participating online or using printed materials when online connections are not possible. The end of the first marking period is Friday, Nov. 6th! Check with your teen to ensure that all work assigned has been submitted in their classes as their grade by this date will either result in ½ credit earned or lost.
Be sure to ask your teen questions about how his/her remote learning is going and be sure to share any concerns with your teen’s teacher.
We will continue to consult with our local public health officials on when it is safe to reopen school. At this point, we expect to reopen our building and return to in-person learning at the high school on Monday, November 9. We will provide as much advance notice as possible.
As a parent or guardian, we know you are eager to find ways to protect your teen and family from COVID-19. Please talk to your teen about frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, wearing a face covering in public. Most importantly, keep your teen home and stay at home yourself if you are sick. Here is a self-checker that can be used to identify COVID-19 symptoms.
Our remote learning plan is presented on the next page.
Defining/Describing R-PHS Virtual Plan
8:00 - 9:00 Staff Communication/Plan Time
9:00 - 10:30 Flex Time = Time set aside to provide interaction access between
students and teachers.
Calendly will be the app used to provide individual/small group virtual meetings between teacher and student(s).
Can be used for formative and/or summative assessments
10:30 - 10:35 School Announcements
10:30 - 12:15 Learning Forum = time students are expected to virtually engage
with their teachers. This may include video supports, lectures, etc.
Google meet will be the virtual classroom app
Google Classroom review will occur during learning forums
Students are expected to virtually attend Monday - Friday
Attendance will be taken and recorded
Staff will be accessible virtually to students throughout the timeframe set for each block
Can be used for formative and/or summative assessments
Forum can be recorded to support absent learners
1:00 - 3:00 Flex Time = Time set aside to provide interaction access between
students and teachers.
Calendly will be the app used to provide individual/small group virtually meetings between teacher and student(s).
Can be used for formative and/or summative assessments