RP XC Athletes (Kye Grant, Klay Grant, Jaxon Allen)

Wow!  Rockets traveled North to compete against strong teams in Benzie.  Here are a few highlights of strong performances seen on the XC hot and extremely humid 5k course.

  • Klay Grant went in ranked in the top 20 and ran a spectacular race achieving a 5th place finish and a Personal Best of 15:51.  He also became the 4th fastest Rocket Cross Country in RPs long history of runners.  
  • Kye Grant, freshman,  captured his first varsity medal with a time of 17:28 and becoming the 7th fastest freshman in RPs history.    
  • Jaxon Allen brought home a medal after being positive in the head and humidity and running  a strong race with a time of 17:31 and became the 8th fastest sophomore in RPs history.  
  • Daniel Dunn, freshman, recieved a medal in the JV race with a time of 19:59 which was nearly 1 minute faster than his first race.
  • Gage Bouwman, freshman, dropped 2 minutes and 12 seconds off his first race.
  • Nate Darling, sophomore, dropped 2 minutes and 31 seconds off his first race.
  • Gavin Weirenga, sophomore, also ran well and got season best.