Good Afternoon Central Families,
I hope all of you are remaining well and fully enjoying your summer. We have been working hard on our Return-to-School and Rocket Virtual plans. I know there are a lot of questions regarding the start of the school year. Please continue to visit the district website, RP WEBSITE, for the most accurate and up-to-date information. In navigating our district's website, you will find a wealth of pertinent information regarding our specific plans and different learning options.
ALERT - Please look for information coming your way this week (likely tomorrow morning) regarding a survey to declare your intentions for Face-to-Face Instruction (F2F) or Rocket Virtual (RV). You will be prompted to declare F2F or RV for the upcoming school year, with the minimum commitment being one semester.
Although the default will be F2F if you do not take the survey, full participation will be tremendously helpful in determining student placements and solidifying class rosters. Additionally, a RV declaration will prompt school personnel to follow-up with families individually to support official enrollment/registration. In short, this survey is a very important step in preparing all of us for a successful reopening.
The survey will close August 26th. Teacher placement letters, therefore, will likely be sent out no sooner than August 31st. We recognize this is later than usual, however we are all making important decisions under unique circumstances, and want to ensure that we have balanced classrooms to maximize learning opportunities.
After we allow reasonable time for placement letters to be received, you will be invited to a virtual open house introducing Central staff, including your child's teacher.
Grade-level teams will be meeting tomorrow to finalize supply lists. A general supply list will therefore be posted to the Central page of our district website by the end of this week.
Thank you for your continued patience, flexibility, and understanding, as we continue to prepare for our return to school. Please know that our office reopened yesterday, with office hours 8:00-4:00 daily. Please call 744-1693 with any questions.
Go Rockets!