Dear Central Families,

Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, will be the FIRST day of the Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) program FREE to ALL students.  We hope that you have read the letter that went home with your child last week about this program.  Students will be offered breakfast at 8:40am in their classroom each day.  Please do not drop your student(s) off prior to 8:30am.  We are very excited about this opportunity for all students!  If you have questions, please contact our office at 231-744-1693.  

Menu for this week

Tuesday, 1/21 - Vanilla Yogurt w/graham crackers, fresh apple, orange pineapple juice, white or chocolate milk

Wednesday, 1/22 - Cereal w/graham crackers, cinnamon applesauce cup, grape juice, white or chocolate milk

Thursday, 1/23 - Maple mini waffle, fresh banana, fruit punch juice, white or chocolate milk, syrup cup

Friday, 1/24 - Double chocolate chip muffin, orange juice, fresh apple, white or chocolate milk