Breakfast in the Classroom

Dear Parents,

I am extremely excited to introduce a new program to Central Elementary. On Tuesday, January 21st, we will be launching Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC). BIC is a grant-funded program that will give every student the opportunity to benefit from a healthy breakfast each morning, completely free of charge. Central Elementary has been selected to pilot the program for Reeths-Puffer Schools. Although we have been working hard to prepare for implementation, your awareness and support, as always, is key. Please review the information below to assist us in a successful launch.     

Important details about BIC, Breakfast in the Classroom

  • BIC is a grant-funded breakfast program
  • We received the grant for the remainder of the school year (BIC will only continue next year if another grant is secured)
  • All students are offered a free breakfast:
    • Those who currently receive reduced-pricing for breakfast will no longer pay
    • Those who are currently full-pay for breakfast will no longer pay
  • Meals will include a fruit juice, milk, fruit, and entrée (either hot or cold)
    • Each classroom will be equipped with both a cooler bag (blue) and insulated bag (red) to ensure the maintaining of proper food temperature
  • All meals are entirely peanut-free
  • Each day, if participating, students must take the full meal (students can then place unwanted items on a share table)

How might BIC benefit our school?

  • Students start their day with a healthy meal that meets nutritional standards and fuels success
  • Helps build and promote classroom community
  • Potential for gained instructional time by promoting:
    • Attendance and punctuality
    • Positive school behavior 

While this is a tremendous opportunity for our kids, we also recognize that the program may slightly alter/impact your morning routine. Please make note of the following details in order to properly plan and prepare: 

  • BIC will replace our current breakfast program
  • Breakfast will take place in the classroom starting at 8:40 am (If tardy, breakfast may be unavailable for the day)
  • Parents dropping off their students are encouraged to do so between 8:30 and 8:40 am
  • All bus students will be released to their respective lines outside of the building at approximately 8:30 am
  • Students attending lighthouse learning will be released to their respective lines at 8:30 am

Although there will be challenges to navigate early on, Breakfast in the Classroom presents a wonderful opportunity for all students to start each day strong, maximize their own potential, and experience sustained success in the classroom. Attached, you will find more information from our Foodservice partner regarding the benefits of breakfast. Additionally, please consider downloading the Nutrislice app, which outlines the breakfast and lunch menus for each day.

Thank you, in advance, for supporting Breakfast in the Classroom at Central Elementary. As always, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office, 744-1693.  

Yours in Education,


Cody Hamilton, Principal