Performance Times:
Friday, May 4 at 7PM,
Saturday, May 5 at 2PM (family matinee and meet and greet after performance) and 7PM (followed by 8th grade graduation tribute and Neverland Ice Cream Social)
Location: Rocket Centre for the Fine Arts
Tickets are available online here. Or one hour before each show. All tickets are $8.00
Ticket Inquiries:
The Reeths-Puffer Choral program prides itself on not only having a long tradition of excellence, but being a safe and positive environment for students to “Find Their Voice” in music and life.
The RPMS Choirs are comprised of a 7th Grade Choir, 8th Grade Choir and a select after-school female ensemble called “The Treble Makers.” Choir students not only learn proper vocal pedagogy, but become literate musicians as they learn how to sight-read, learn music theory and learn the building blocks of harmonization and choral blend. Both 7th and 8th grade choirs perform in four major concerts each year and participate in Solo and Ensemble Festival and District Choral Festival in the spring.
The Middle School Choirs also produce and perform in a fully staged musical each school year. Past musicals have included Aladdin, Willy Wonka, Schoolhouse Rock, A Seussified Christmas Carol, Shrek the Musical and The Lion King. All Middle School Choir students have a performing role in every show which is held annually at our High School Rocket Centre for the Arts.
The RPMS Choirs are often invited to perform in sporting and other school and community events. All RPMS Choirs tour Chicago every other year. Choir students enjoy relationship and team building while learning to become excellent musicians. Being a part of the Reeths-Puffer Choral program prepares students for more intense study in music performance, education, music industry, community and church service and simply being lifelong appreciators of music. Reeths-Puffer Choirs have been making music and building our musical family for over 50 years!