New students seeking enrollment at Reeths-Puffer High School need to comply with the following State and local requirements:
Certified copy of Birth Certificate
If a birth certificate is not available, the following are accepted as reliable proof of the student’s identity: Hospital records of birth, physician’s records of birth, baptismal or other church records, school record from early age, insurance record, census records, (driver’s license of student where applicable).
Up-to-Date Immunization Records
DPT, DT or TD - Four doses required - at least six months between the last two doses, one dose within the last ten years.
Polio - Three doses - at least six months between second and third dose.
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) - Two doses. Second dose at least 30 days from first and at or after 15 months.
Hepatitis B – Three doses
Chicken pox – Proof of immunity or two doses
Additional immunizations can be obtained at no cost at the Muskegon County Health Department - 744-6311.
Proof of Residency (must be one of the following:)
Current rent receipts
Mortgage payment receipts
Utility bills
Property tax bills
Voter registration
Driver's license address
Transcript or Latest Report Card
IEPC for Special Education Students
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Reeths-Puffer School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding our nondiscrimination policies:
Mr. Rob Renes
Assistant Superintendent
Reeths-Puffer Schools
991 W. Giles Road
Muskegon, MI 49445
(231) 744-4736, ext. 1108
Grievance Procedure:
The School Board has established specific steps to resolve discrimination complaints. A copy of the procedure is available at all school offices or from the Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations.