Dual enrollment is a program that extends educational options by offering students who qualify the opportunity to take academic classes at a post-secondary institution while attending high school.

Dual enrollment classes are generally taken when a student has exhausted the curriculum in a particular subject area at the high school, or a if conflict of schedule makes it impossible for a student to take the desired course at the high school.

The tuition and fees are paid directly to the college by the district. Any tuition amount above the percentage permitted by the school's state foundation allowance will be paid by the student.

Follow this link for more detailed information on Dual Enrollment. .

Follow this link to apply for Dual Enrollment at Reeths-Puffer.

Follow this link to complete the Dual Enrollment Request Form for Muskegon Community College.

Complete both forms and bring them to Mr. Schlaff in the counseling office.

To be reimbursed for books purchased for dual enrollment, print out this form and return it to the counseling office (along with book and receipt) within five days of completing the course.